Strict hygiene and sanitation practices are essential in manufacturing and industrial plants. They help ensure that all equipment is in good working order and contamination of products is prevented at all costs. Contamination can cause products to have a shorter shelf life, profit loss, and worse, expose workers to health hazards.
Proper sanitation measures are vital — now more than ever due to the increasing number of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases around the world. Adhering to strict hygiene guidelines and best practices will allow manufacturers to help suppress the further spread of the new coronavirus infection.
Industrial and manufacturing companies should participate in lowering the number of COVID-19 cases starting off with keeping their sites clean and educating employees about personal hygiene habits.
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness transmitted from one person to another through the saliva, nasal discharge, and droplets expelled when a person coughs or sneezes. Good hygiene practices in the workplace and the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces play a significant role in preventing the spread of the infection.
A person can get infected by COVID-19 through:
To lower the risk of Coronavirus transmission, cleaning, proper workplace hygiene practices, and the use of appropriate face masks and gloves is highly recommended.
Ready the following cleaning items prior to starting the cleaning process:
Below is a process on how to properly wear the recommended PPE before cleaning the company premises:
Put on a face mask. Fit the flexible band of the mask to the bridge of your nose, ensuring that it fits snugly on your face and below the chin. Tie the mask securely. Avoid adjusting the mask until it’s time to remove it.